Our work together always starts with where you want to develop. It may be a clear opportunity or frustration you’d like to address. The coaching, training and assessing programs outlined below represent the most common needs Brett addresses.
Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is a powerful and proven method to develop new ways of thinking and acting as an innovation leader. Together, we identify the highest value development areas based on your challenges. Tangible strategies and tactics are identified, tested and evaluated to develop your leadership practice and the work in real time. The specific development topics will be unique to your situation addressing the three levels of leading self, others and the organization.
For individuals there are two approaches to getting started:
Start deeply with the Innovation Leadership Mirror Accelerant - a structured four-week process to establish a 6-month development plan
Start quickly with a weekly coaching conversation where insight and intervention are generated through facilitated dialogue to work towards goals in your role
For organizations, the methods are the same with multi-party goal setting and feedback processes to align with organizational outcomes.
Innovation training is an inspiring way to gain practical knowledge and capabilities to create new forms of value. Brett’s training programs are specific to the role and seniority of participants covering product, service, commercial, process and marketing innovation. All programs are based on a human-centric Design Thinking pedagogy and apply leading digital innovation practices. The goal is to provide you with a tool-belt of capabilities you can apply and adapt to your real-world situation.
Sole Contributors
Foundational training to develop the capabilities of a sole contributor member of an innovation team.
Team Leader
Leadership tools and practices to develop the effectiveness of subject matter experts responsible for team performance.
Senior Leader
Executive practices and models to develop the climate and principles of innovation across multiple teams, programs or departments.
Assessing Culture
A cultural assessment is helpful when change and innovation are frustrated and when a new strategy is getting started. Questions of strategy alignment, organizational identity and ways of working are typically the focus of a cultural assessment.
The goal is to illuminate the hidden dynamics of your culture. Interview and workshop-based socio-analytical assessments identify the range of perspectives and experiences within your organization. The findings illuminate change barriers in a safe way for talent to devise new practices and behaviours that more effectively achieve your strategic goals.
Select Clients:
“Was a great training. Really engaging and amazing presenters. I loved Brett’s enthusiasm!”
~ Accenture Training Program Participant
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