The Innovation Leadership Map
Empower organizational and personal goals by illuminating and re-authoring your unique individual leadership archetype.
The Innovation Leadership Map (ILM) is the first experiential and behavioural-based leadership development framework specifc to driving innovation and change:
What: ILM is a structured one-to-one coaching process over 4-6 weeks
Who: for leaders and founders taking on new challenges of growth or professionalization
Why: to elevate your quality of leadership or quality of life while driving change and innovation
How: four one-to-one coaching sessions with reflective activities in between
Proof: participants consistently report relief, clarity and empowerment through heightened self-awareness and tangible practices
Evaluate your lived cognitive and behavioural experiences when leading innovation and change
Uncover your hidden leadership motivators and detractors influencing performance (i.e. the inner theatre and motivational drivers)
Identify your containment zone of high performance
Audit your behavioural inventory to develop a personal leadership archetype
Identify actions to achieve the desired innovation leadership performance
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Note: corporate programs and traditional coaching in a weekly/monthly cadence is also available